>Info zum Stichwort Uniform | >diskutieren | >Permalink 
KIA schrieb am 13.4. 2004 um 21:20:27 Uhr über


Welcome to the home of the skeptical, irascible, doubting, iconoclastic Captain Critical, aka Captain Barb, whose pontificating will try to amuse, bemuse, irritate and generally annoy anyone bold enough to stay long enough to read the ramblings of a self appointed distaff critic who will continue to remind you that women are veterans too!

Did you know that there are almost two million women veterans? From the American Revolution to Panama, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq , women have served in some way in every conflict. Not that they were legal in the early days. History tells us that thirty three thousand women served in World War One and almost 500,000 took part in World War Two. During the Korean era 120,000 women were in uniform and seven thousand were deployed in theater during Viet Nam. During Desert Storm seven per cent of the total U.S. forces deployed were women - over forty thousand of them. On these pages you will find the history and accomplishments of those women who have served this country - voluntarily - since it's beginning.

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